Jobs / Theses

Welcome to the homepage of Christian Kuehn.

E-mail: ckuehn 'at' ma.tum.de

Office hours: (upon request; please send me an e-mail!)

Phone: (+49).89.289.18334 (Skype: christian_kuehn)

Research Interests: Applied Mathematics, Complex Systems, Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, Numerical Mathematics, Stochastics


Current main coordinates:
Technical University of Munich (TUM)
School of CIT
Department of Mathematics
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching bei München, Germany

Direct Links:

- Research Group

- Oberseminar Dynamics

My brief academic timeline:
2023 - now: Associate Editor, Journal of Nonlinear Science

2022 - now: Full Professor - Technical University of Munich

2022 - now: Associate Editor, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems

2022 - now: Associate Editor, Partial Differential Equations and Applications

2022 - 2024: Distinguished Visiting Professorship - FSMP Paris

2022 - now: Core Member - Munich Data Science Institute

2021 - 2022: Associate Professor - Technical University of Munich

2019 - 2024: IAS Focus Group Leader "Network Dynamics" - Technical University of Munich

2017: Richard-von-Mises Prize - GAMM

2017 - now: External Faculty Fellow - Complexity Science Hub Vienna

2016: Lichtenberg Professorship - Technical University of Munich

2016-2021: Assistant Professor - Technical University of Munich

2016: Habilitation (Priv.-Doz.) in Applied Mathematics - Vienna University of Technology

2013-2016: APART Fellow - Austrian Academy of Sciences

2013: Leibniz Fellow - Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (MFO)

2011-2016: Postdoctoral Researcher - Vienna University of Technology

2011-2013: Marie-Curie Fellowship - Vienna University of Technology

2010-2011: Postdoctoral Researcher - Max Planck Institute PKS

2008-2010: PhD in Applied Mathematics - Cornell University

2006-2008: MSc in Applied Mathematics - Cornell University

2005-2006: CASM / MASt - University of Cambridge

2002-2005: BSc in Mathematics - Jacobs University Bremen

CV + publication list (updated last: January 2024, see also research)